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Sunday, January 30, 2011

je t'aime.

Note to reader - I have written this article a couple of months ago, when I was still young and innoncent. I'm now 6 months older, and I feel like it had no point. I'm keeping this article online to remind me of how stupid I can be when I'm in love, to make sure this will fucking never happen again. I'm so good by myself, now!

This one goes to the guy whom I’m madly in love with. I wish “ thank you for being there” was enough, but I’m afraid that there’s no other word or phrases that can express my feelings for you. I’ve known you for about a year now, and I feel that just saying “thank you” would not represent how much you’ve helped me. I’ve trusted you from the very beginning, and you probably know me better than anybody. To be very honest, you’ve helped be becoming the person I am now. After all what we went through, being so close again seems weird, but I’ve never felt so happy. There so many things I like about you, but just having you in my life provides me what I need. I love talking with you until 4 in the morning, I love our early morning texts, I love when you’re waking me up, I love the way you’re looking at me. Everything seems awesome around you. I LOVE YOU. You know what ? You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, and I never ever wanna lose you.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Everyone who knows me just a little bit realized how much I love horror movies. Ever since I turned 12, horror movies are fascinating me. Especially the bloody ones. Yet I’m madly afraid of blood. And of needles. It makes me remember when, 2 years ago, I cried when I received my AH1N1 vaccine shot. I was 15. I’m also very hypochondriac. If you don’t know what it means, well, it just means that I’m worried of every single diseases. Pain in the lower stomach ? It’s an appendicitis. Headache ? It’s probably a brain cancer. Nose bleeding? Oh, I’m gonna bleed to death. The link between these two subjects is that even if you’ll never hear me say “omg, that’s so flipping gross!” in any kind of movie, in real life, I am way less brave. I’ve seen so many times a man/woman being cut into pieces in a movie, and, God bless my twisted mind, laughed about it so many time as well, but when it comes to me, I can hardly look at a massive amount of blood for more than a minute. This is how fucked I am. I assume it.

This, by the way, was my Halloween costume. I dressed up as a zombie or whatsoever. 

Bring it.

As far as I remember, I've always had a blog, so I guess I can't consider myself as "new" in this blog community(because it's a community.. right ?). I've always love to put down my feeling on paper (or on a keyboard.), and I think that starting over a, well, in a way, more "professional" blog might be a great start on my future career. Especially since I've changed so much over the last year. Last blog I had was a "skyblog" or whatsoever. Those blogs were basically an online competition about who would get the more comments/views. Being older (as old as 17 can be), I don't think that being "popular" is the point of a blog. I'm going to be writing this one for me. And if I can inspire at least one person, then I guess I'll have achieved what I want. So, dear reader (Even though I'm writing this blog for myself, I sincerely hope I'Ll get more than 1 reader. But I decided to write "reader" without an S, because it sounds much more personal. Right ?), I hope you'll have a great time reading this, and feel free to come back. Oh, and, I just realized how rude I'm being. I didn't even introduce myself. Oh, well. I guess you'll get to know me soon enough. 
